“Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.”
~ Don Norman

Envisioning a Small Fleet Management System

Envisioning a Small Fleet Management System

GM Small Fleet Management System is a smart fleet management platform that integrates automatic trip, fuel logs, reports, analytics for small to medium businesses.

UX Team Lead


GM Small Fleet UI is designed for mobile friendly framework.
The layout is designed to scale across different screen sizes.
Flexible framework to maximize efficiency and consistency
across devices.
The content floats on top of Map, and is organized based on
priority of tasks.
Usability is important, allowing big target area to hit or
touch by Fat Finger.


Automatic Fuel Cost Calculations

3 Easy steps for drivers to log fuel:
1. Select Add Fuel
2. Confirm Gas Station
3. Save

There is database of gas stations and prices:
Minimal user effort (three taps)
Automatically calculates cost, even when driver forgets to enter
Find cheapest gas nearby when fuel is low (included in alerts)


Enhanced Driver Speed Reporting

Compare speed with the database of actual speed limits:
Configurable alert threshold (X mph above the speed limit)
Provides true understanding of driver behavior


Severe Weather Alerts

Ability to alert drivers/owners when vehicle near server weather area
Enhanced safety, product differentiator


Trip History

The trip history display will enable Managers  to have a single view that shows a driver’s stops, gas purchases, and speeding events for any given day.  They also can easily toggle between the map and timeline views.


Analytics Dashboard

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